If My Mother... Only Knew (1986)

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BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Hope Russell and her divorced mother, Dianne, live together and both have guy troubles. Dianne can't get over her ex, Roger, and Hope's boyfriend, Robby, is constantly at work and never has time to spend with her. When Robby blows her off yet again, Hope goes to a concert with possibly lesbian friend, Lynanne, leaving her mother home alone when Robby finally does drop by. Robby convinces Dianne to accompany him to a night club, which leads to a realignment of relationships.
Regizor: Paul Vatelli
Scenariu: Steve H. Mehoff
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Un tânăr artist, Nicolas, alături de partenerul său Marianne, este prezentat de dealerul de artă Porbus la pictorul Frenhofer, inactiv de mulți ani, care trăiește într-un grand castel din sudul Franței împreună cu tânăra sa soție Liz. Conversațiile sunt dezgustătoare, până când Nicolas sugerează că lui Frenhofer i-ar plăcea să picteze atractivul Marianne. Este entuziasmată de șansa de a fi imortalizată de un maestru, în timp ce el crede că ar putea fi ceea ce îi trebuie pentru a-și completa ultima piesă, abandonată în urmă cu zece ani când Liz era modelul său.
Regizor: Jacques Rivette
Scenariu: Pascal Bonitzer , Christine Laurent

Her Odd Tastes (1969)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 794 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: A woman embarks on a worldwide quest for sexual fulfillment, experimenting in the exotic jungles of Africa to the swinging beaches of California, no desire left unfulfilled.
Her Odd Tastes featuring Marsha Jordan and Capri is not currently available to stream, rent, or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates.
Regizor: Donald A. Davis
Scenariu: Jerry Wilder

Drop-Out Wife (1972)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 812 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: A young housewife gets involved in the "swinging" scene and discovers that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Regizor: Stephen C. Apostolof
Scenariu: Stephen C. Apostolof, Edward D. Wood Jr.

The Divorcee (1969)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 796 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: A young divorcée confesses her sexual adventures and fantasies during a psychodrama session at a party. Soon the party begins to resemble some of the "adventures" she was talking about.
Regizor: Stephen C. Apostolof
Scenariu: Stephen C. Apostolof

Mascara (1983)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 858 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Harriet lives a repressed existence, working as a secretary in a Manhattan office. After discovering that her boss is secretly seeing a prostitute named Lucy, Harriet works up the courage to approach her to see if she can help her fulfill her sexual fantasies and overcome her inhibitions.
Regizor: Henri Pachard, Roberta Findlay
Scenariu: Henri Pachard

The Pig Keeper's Daughter (1972)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 777 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Moonbeam Swyner, the pig keeper's curvaceous daughter, is still waiting for her Prince Charming. Instead, she will have to make do with a travelling perfume and lingerie salesman. Could he be the One?
Regizor: Bethel Buckalew
Scenariu: Bethel Buckalew

The Godson (1971)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 1116 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Marco is the ambitious godson of a crime boss. His attempt to quickly rise to the top leads to his downfall.
Regizor: William Rotsler
Scenariu: William Rotsler

Five Loose Women

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 741 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: Five inmates break out of a remote minimum security prison for women. Four are hardened convicts, the fifth was wrongfully convicted. As the authorities chase them down, the cons terrorize or kill anyone who gets in their way.
Regizor: Stephen C. Apostolof
Scenariu: Stephen C. Apostolof , Edward D. Wood Jr.

Le retour des veuves (1980)

Admin | 0 Comentarii | Vizualizari: 942 | Clasic Porn
BluRay 720p

Descriere Film: The film opens with Jean-Pierre Armand and a male, presumably Gregory, being entertained by two strippers. One is blonde (XNK0388, but this could be Danièle David with curlier hair) and the other brunette (Sophie Duflot). They strip then dress then have sex with the two men.
Regizor: Claude Bernard-Aubert
Scenariu: Claude Bernard-Aubert
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